Ozone therapy utilizes medical-grade ozone to produce curative effects in the body, helping it to heal naturally.
There are numerous methods of administering ozone therapy. From intravenous blood transfusions, like, Major Autohemotherapy, to insufflations of ozone gas into, or onto, the body, to simply drinking ozonated water.
The best method, or combination of methods, to use in each circumstance will depend on various factors, but, mainly, it will depend on the type of condition to be treated, and the overall well-being of the individual.
How ozone works is remarkably simple.
Ozone’s third oxygen atom is highly reactive and among the most powerful oxidizing agents available. When substances, like, bacteria, viruses, or fungi come in contact with ozone oxidation occurs, destroying the substance and converting the ozone back into plain, old oxygen.
Thousands of studies have been done over the past 150 years showing ozone therapy to be incredibly safe and effective in healing a vast array of medical conditions.
Like most things, when done properly, there is little to no danger.
However, there are a few contraindications to consider. Avoid some, or all, types of ozone therapy if you are pregnant or have any serious health conditions.
To produce ozone for use in ozone therapy a high-quality ozone generator and medical-grade oxygen are used.
The best ozone therapy generators use cold corona discharge technology and produce very pure ozone free from contaminants.
Basically, cold corona discharge cells create ozone by passing oxygen gas through an electrical field, or corona. The electrical current splits the oxygen molecules (O2) causing them to reattach to other oxygen molecules forming ozone (O3).